>>>Awards 2022

Awards 2022

Green Awards – Best Green Project

For the 2nd consecutive year Kentriki Odos stood out as the “greenest motorway in Greece” in the context of the Green Awards 2022. The Green Award our company won once again this year is in the ‘Best Green Project’ category, for its initiatives in the recycling and electromobility sectors.

Kentriki Odos implements an integrated recycling system that covers all the materials produced from the maintenance and operation of the motorways under its responsibility, while they are the only concession company in Greece that provides drivers with the option of recycling during their journey, having placed recycling bins at every parking stop (WC parking) and Motorist Service Station.

At the same time, aiming to drastically reduce direct air pollutant emissions from its company vehicle fleet, the gradual replacement of the vehicles of Nea Odos with hybrid and electric vehicles is underway.