>>Tolls annual indexation

Tolls annual indexation

Aftokinitodromos Kentrikis Ellados S.A. announces that, on Friday, January 1st, 2016 at 00:01, the tolls annual indexation will be conducted.

The new reduced fees are displayed in detail per toll station and vehicle category in the following tables. Reductions shall range from €0.05 to €0.10 and for categories 3 and 4, (trucks & buses), from €0.05 to €0.20.

Current toll fees are also mentioned for your convenience, with the new reduced Toll Fees highlighted in red in the ‘Toll Fees 2016’ table column.


Agia TriadaFrontal Toll Station Current Toll Fees Toll Fees 2016
Category 1 1.15€ 1.10€
Category 2 1.65€ 1.60€
Category 3 4.15€ 4.05€
Category 4 5.80€ 5.70€


Molos Lateral Toll Station Current Toll Fees Toll Fees 2016
Category 1 0.20€ 0.20€
Category 2 0.30€ 0.30€
Category 3 0.85€ 0.85€
Category 4 1.20€ 1.15€


Mpralos Lateral Toll Station (Thermopyles) Current Toll Fees Toll Fees 2016
Category 1 0.30€ 0.30€
Category 2 0.45€ 0.45€
Category 3 1.20€ 1.20€
Category 4 1.70€ 1.65€


Mavromantila Frontal Toll Station Current Toll Fees Toll Fees 2016
Category 1 1.25€ 1.20€
Category 2 1.75€ 1.75€
Category 3 4.45€ 4.40€
Category 4 6.25€ 6.15€
Ag. MarinaLateral Toll Station Current Toll Fees Toll Fees 2016
Category 1 0.85€ 0.80€
Category 2 1.20€ 1.20€
Category 3 3.05€ 3.00€
Category 4 4.25€ 4.20€


Stylida Lateral Toll Station (Karavomylos) Current Toll Fees Toll Fees 2016
Category 1 0.45€ 0.45€
Category 2 0.65€ 0.65€
Category 3 1.65€ 1.60€
Category 4 2.30€ 2.25€


Under no circumstances can any user who has paid the toll fee at the frontal station pay again at a lateral station in the same zone, during the same journey. Respectively, under no circumstances can any user who has paid the toll fee at the lateral station pay again at a frontal station in the same zone, during the same journey.